  • Introduction
Images and Containers
  • What is a VM
  • What is a Container
  • Difference between VM and container
  • Docker Introduction
  • Docker Architecture
  • Container and image
  • Create an ubuntu container
  • Create an Httpd Container
Docker Remote Repository
  • Docker Remote Repository
  • Create a NodeJS Container image and run it
  • chapter1
  • Volumes
  • mount point
  • tempfs
  • Networking in Docker
  • Bridge
Azure Container Registry
  • Container Registry
Azure Container Instance
  • Create a Single Instance Container using Quick-Start
  • Create a single Instance Container using Azure Registry
  • Create a single Instance Container using Github public/private registry
Create multiple containers
  • Using Container Group
  • Docker Compose
CI/CD using Azure Pipeline
  • Azure CI/CD pipeline
App Service
  • Create a container based App service
CI/CD using App Service
  • Inbuild CI/CD
  • Create CI/CD for App service using Pipeline