  • Can you think of a situation where you had to handle resilience and how?
  • Introduction
  • What is resilience?
Preview of problems we may face in our lives to lead us to be resilience
  • What problems do we face in our lives to be resilient?
  • Example video of anxiety and how you can manage it better to move forward
  • What is anxiety?
  • Why do people turn to drugs to feel good?
Resilience benefits
  • The benefits of resilience
  • Please explain what resilience means to you?
  • How does resilience affect mental health?
What does it mean to have resilience?
  • What does it mean to have resilience?
  • What does it mean to have resilience?
  • How do you overcome a setback?
How do you develop resilience?
  • How do you develop resilience?
  • How do you develop resilience?
How do you learn from your mistakes and failures
  • How to learn from your mistakes and failures?
  • How to learn from your mistakes and failures?
How can I be resilient in life?
  • How can I be resilient in life?
  • How can I be resilient in life?
Build positive beliefs in your abilities
  • Steps to building beliefs
  • Builiding positive beliefs in your abilities of life
How can I train my mind to be stronger than my feelings?
  • How to train mind to be stronger than feelings
  • How to train the mind to be stronger than feelings
Workforce resilience
  • How to be resilient in a work environment
  • Quiz time