Introduction to Hadoop
  • Introduction to Hadoop
Introduction to Big Data
  • What is Big Data in a Simplified way to understand.
  • What are challenges for Processing Big Data?
Hadoop Understanding
  • Understanding Hadoop in brief
  • What is HDFS and How Data is Stored in HDFS?
  • HDFS Architecture Simplified!
  • More Depth in HDFS Architecture.
Install Hadoop on Windows. Step by Step procedures..
  • Installation of Hadoop on Windows in brief
  • Prerequisite Software and Tools needed to install in a brief
  • Step-1: Know the requirements and download setup files.
  • Extract the downloaded files and copy the extracted Hadoop Folder to C-Drive
  • Modification of XML Files to add properties
  • Modification of XML Files to add properties- Next Step
  • Modification of XML Files to add properties- Next Step
  • Modification of XML Files to add properties- Next Step
  • Modify XML and later verify if the processes are up and running
  • And Finally!MapReduce, Push some sample data and check!
Understanding Yarn, Simplified!
  • Know Yarn in Brief!
  • Know how to Install Yarn
  • Set up the npm equivalent of our yarn script and compare
  • Lets see what log file shows!
  • How does Yarn allocate resources for a job?
Understanding on Apache PIG, Simplified!
  • Lets know what is Apache Pig?
  • Little bit indetail introduction to Pig
  • Example of Pig, to understand better
  • Let us understand how Pig Works?
  • Installation of Apache Pig and Understand how to write sample scripts
Scoop Overview and Basics
  • Scoop: Basic Understanding
  • Installation of Scoop- Step-1
  • Installation of Scoop- Step-2
  • Importing Mysql Database tables to scoop: Step-1: Check current tables in MySQL
  • Import the records to HDFS- Step-2
  • Scoop Help and Version Commands
Apache Flume Basics and Overview
  • What exactly is Apache Flume?
  • Flume Understanding in brief
  • Understand Flume Architecture Basics
  • Understand basic Flume commands
  • Configuring Flume Agent
  • Simple Helloworld Example in Flume using Cloudera
Apache Hive Overview and Basics
  • Hive Architecture in brief
  • Understand some basic HIVEQL Commands
  • Map Reduce Understanding along with Program