  • Introduction to course and about myself
  • Intended audience and course content
  • What is Artificial Intelligence(AI) and various classifications?
  • What are various runtimes and difference in between CPU,TPU and GPU?
  • What is LPU and how it is different than CPU,GPU and TPU?
  • What is Model and what we should be looking when it comes to model card?
Developing your first AI Model
  • Real-Life Analogies: Understanding Neuron Weightage in Everyday Scenarios
  • How perceptrons work and get triggerred and what are weightages
  • How weightages in perceptrons/neurons work in real time?
  • What are biases and how they work?
  • What is activation function and why we need it
  • What are types of activation functions and use cases?
  • What is Neural Network and Deep Learning network?
  • What are parameters?
  • What is CNN Model?
  • What are hyperparameters,epochs,learing rate and batches?
Setup of Local AI Notebook
  • Why and what is Notebook(AI Context) ?
  • Mastering Jupyter Notebook: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigation
  • Setting Up a Local Anaconda Jupyter Notebook: A Beginner's Guide
  • Anaconda Navigator Environment Setup: Simplifying Your Data Science Workflow
  • Setting Up Your Google Colab Account and Creating Your First Notebook
  • Setting up your runtime to GPU and verifying GPU runtime
  • Setting Up Runtimes and Programmatically Verifying TPU Availability in Colab
  • Unleashing the Power of Processing Units:Comparative Analysis of CPU, GPU, TPU
Hand on CNN -Deep Leaning
  • What is tensorflow and Keras Libraries?
  • Downloading dataset and understand type of datasets
  • Verifying Training and test dataset
  • Matrix representation of image data
  • Normalize pixel data for CNN and add additional dimensions
  • Define Convolution step in the model defining process
  • Understand typical CNN Model
  • Understand Convolution layer matrix multiplication process for edge detections
  • Understand edge detection and remaining layers and set hyperparameters
  • What is maxpooling?
  • Verify and validate model accuracy
  • Saving Model locally and testing local image
  • Test local sample image
Conducting a comprehensive assessment of model completeness ?
  • What is loss or cost function ?
  • What is backpropogation and forward propogation?
  • What is gradient Descent and type of gradient Descent?
Part 2 Hands On CNN Model-Verification and Fine tuning
  • Tweaking hyperparameters of model for increasing accuracy