Lecture 1 Deep breathing is the foundation to great health
  • Deep breathing is the foundation to great health
Lecture 2. Despondency versus Pro Active
  • Despondency versus Pro Active
Lecture 3. Close minded versus curious
  • Close minded versus curious
Lecture 4. Fearful versus courageous
  • Fearful versus courageous
Lecture 5. How are you actually dealing with the negative influences in life
  • How are you actually dealing with these negative influences on you now
Lecture 6. How do I change my situation?
  • How do I change my situation?
Breath Break - A Quick Breathing Exercise To Refresh The Brain
  • Breath Break
Lecture 7. Deep breathing relieves emotional stress
  • Deep breathing relieves emotional stress
Lecture 8. How deep breathing improves mood
  • Deep breathing improves mood
Lecture 9. Deep breathing improves symptoms of depression
  • Deep breathing improves symptoms of depression
Breathwork can be spiritual
  • An overview of scientific studies done on deep breathing
Deep breathing can be spiritual
  • Breathwork Can Be Spiritual
10 Aspects to a healthy mind and body
  • 10 Apsects to a healthy mind and body
Breath Break - Take a breath break
  • Breath Break
Bonus lecture
  • Bonus lecture
Mindfull breathing exercises - Guided and non guided with music
  • Mindfull breathing 3 minute exercise - Guided
  • Mindfull breathing 5 minute exercise - Guided
  • Breathing mindfully 10 minute exercise - Guided
  • Breathing mindfully 10 minutes - Unguided
Special Offer For You
  • Special Offer For You