  • Introduction
  • Explain What is Business Process Outsourcing
  • Explain the Need for Business Process Outsourcing
  • Describe the Drivers of the BPO Phenomenon
  • Explain the Elements to Consider to Outsource a Business Process
  • Describe the Factors to Consider for Selecting BPO Partner
  • Explain How to Thrive in Competitive BPO Market
  • Describe the Effect of BPO on the Workforce
  • Describe the Effect of Domestic Politics on BPO
  • Explain What is meant by Reverse Outsourcing
  • List the Performance Criteria of a BPO Business
  • Explain the Steps for Measuring Performance of BPO Business
  • Explain the Benefits of BPO to the Target Countries
  • Explain the Disadvantages of the BPO Phenomenon
  • Explain Relevance of Time Management in BPO Management
  • List the Tips for Efficient BPO Management