  • What is Cypress & E2E tests
Environment setup
  • Install NodeJS
  • Install GIT
  • Install VS Code
  • Install PostgreSQL
  • Setup application
  • Install Cypress
First test in Cypress
  • Test suite structure: What are ‘describe’ and ‘it’?
  • Test structure: AAA pattern
  • Cypress code completion
  • Step 1: Visiting page (Arrange)
  • Step 2: Selecting elements
  • Exercise: Selecting form elements
  • Solution: Selecting form elements
  • Step 3: Perform action (Act)
  • Dynamic test data generation
  • Step 4: Check result (Assert)
  • Custom command: getByTestId
  • Test execution control: Exploring .only() and .skip()
  • Exercise: Write your first tests!
  • Solution: Write your first tests!
  • Hooks
Bonus: What's next?
  • Bonus: What's next?