Introduction to Data Structure
  • Introduction
  • Arrary Basics
  • Add Method - Part 1
  • Add Method - part 2
  • Remove Method
  • Unit Testing
  • Code
Linked List
  • Linked List Introduction
  • Add Method
  • InsertAt Method
  • Remove Method - Part 1
  • Remove Method - Part 2
  • Code
Josephus Problem
  • Problem Introduction
  • Solution Implementation
  • Code
Stack Data Structure
  • Stack Introduction
  • Uses of Stack
  • Infix to Postfix Conversion
  • Infix to Postfix Implementation - Part 1
  • Infix to Postfix Implementation - Part 2
  • Postfix Evaluation
  • Postfix Expression implementation
  • Code
Runtime Analysis
  • Measuring Time Complexity - Part 1
  • Measuring Time Complexity - Part 2
  • Measuring Time Complexity - Part 3
  • Measuring Time Complexity - Part 4
Code Analysis
  • Code Analysis - Part 1
  • Code Analysis - Part 2
  • Code Analysis - Part 3