Why should you learn Docker?
  • Introduction
  • Disclaimer
Docker Questions - Part 1
  • What is Docker?
  • What is the difference between Docker image and Docker container?
  • How will you remove an image from Docker?
  • How is a Docker container different from a hypervisor?
  • Can we write compose file in json file instead of yaml?
  • What are the common use cases of Docker?
Docker Questions - Part 2
  • What are the main features of Docker-compose?
  • What is the most popular use of Docker?
  • What is the difference between Docker commands: up, run and start?
  • What is Docker Swarm?
  • What is a Docker Image?
  • What is Docker Machine?
Docker Questions - Part 3
  • How will you create a Container in Docker?
  • Can we run more than one process in a Docker container?
  • What are the objects created by Docker Cloud  in Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2?
  • What are the three main steps of Docker Compose?
  • What is Docker Hub?
  • What are the main security concerns with Docker based containers?
Docker Questions - Part 4
  • What are the security benefits of using Container based system?
  • How can we check the status of a Container in Docker?
  • How does Docker simplify Software Development process?
  • What are the popular tasks that you can do with Docker Command line tool?
  • How can Docker run on different Linux distributions?
  • What is the difference between Add and Copy command in a Dockerfile?
Docker Questions - Part 5
  • What is Build cache in Docker?
  • What are the most common instructions in Dockerfile?
  • What are the different kinds of namespaces available in a Container?
  • How will you monitor Docker in production?
  • Why Docker compose does not wait for a container to be ready before moving on to
  • Bonus Lecture: What next?