Week 1
  • What is email deliverability
  • Email Service Providers
  • What is an A-record
  • What is an MX record
  • What is an rDNS record
Week 2
  • What is an SPF record
  • Why you need to set up DKIM
  • What is a DMARC record
  • Do you need a custom tracking domain?
  • How tracking affects email deliverability
Week 3
  • Why is email warm-up essential
  • Targeting and email engagement
  • How to deal with hard and soft bounces
  • Do you need a dedicated IP for your email campaigns?
  • How verification saves you from landing in Spam
Week 4
  • Spam triggers and spam words
  • How does email content affect deliverability
  • What you need to know about blacklists
  • How to always land in the Inbox
  • How to choose your daily sending limit
Week 5
  • Maintaining sender reputation
  • Why response rate is the most important metric
  • How to avoid spam complaints
  • Email deliverability tools