  • Introduction
Module 1: Understanding Dermatillomania
  • Module 1: Understanding Dermatillomania
  • Download Habit Tracker
Module 2: Recognizing Triggers and Urges
  • Module 2: Recognizing Triggers and Urges
  • A real life case of picking
Module 3: The Psychological Aspect of Dermatillomania
  • Module 3: The Psychological Aspect of Dermatillomania
Module 4: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
  • Module 4: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
  • A thank you and encouragement to YOU! You've got this!!
Module 5: Coping Mechanisms and Alternative Behaviors
  • Module 5: Coping Mechanisms and Alternative Behaviors
Module 6: Treatment Options and Professional Support
  • Module 6: Treatment Options and Professional Support
Module 7: Practical Strategies for Managing Urges
  • Module 7: Practical Strategies for Managing Urges
Module 8: Building Resilience and Self-Compassion
  • Module 8: Building Resilience and Self-Compassion
Module 9: Creating a Long-Term Maintenance Plan
  • Module 9: Creating a Long-Term Maintenance Plan
Module 10: Resources and Support
  • Module 10: Resources and Support