Why are meta-competencies important link to error-based learning?
  • Meta-competencies are important link to error-based learning
How do you define learning?
  • Define the context of learning.
What are the principles underpinning error-based learning?
  • DELETE in Action: a Video of an assessor conducting an assessment.
Why do you need to structure learning with errors?
  • Benefits of designing errors for learning.
What do the competencies and meta-competencies mean to learners?
  • Design the errors for learning and teaching.
How do we make sense out of our volatile and complex environment?
  • Key issues affecting learners' environment.
What is L.E.A.D.S?
  • Lead-in. Error experience. Activity. Debrief. Support
How do LEADS lead in designing DELETE?
  • DELETE approach to designing error-based learning.
Can you recall the 5 steps in developing DELETE?
  • 5 Steps to Designing Error-Based Learning using the DELETE approach.
DELETE is an intentional error-based learning methodology, now you know!
  • Designing ERRORs for developing competencies and meta-competencies.