  • Introduction
  • Getting Started Checklist
  • Is Email Marketing worth it?
E-Commerce Customer Journey
  • Understanding the E-Commerce Customer Journey
Growing your email list
  • How to grow your email list
Creating a Segment
  • Creating an Engaged Segment
Automated Email Flows
  • Introduction to Automated Email Flows
  • Welcome Series Flow
  • Abandoned Cart Flow
  • Browse Abandonment Flow
  • Post Purchase Flow
  • Winback Flow
  • Replenishment Flow
  • Smart Sending [Getting Started Tip]
Email Campaign Essentials
  • Email Campaign Essentials
  • Dynamic Content
  • Dynamic Discount Codes
  • Send Time Optimisation
  • Setting Up Smart Sending
SMS Marketing
  • 3 Stages to SMS Success
Early Community Access + Thank you
  • Early Community Access + Thank you