Overview of What You Will Learn
  • Introduction
Installing VS Code
  • Installing VS Code
JavaScript Programs
  • Creating HTML and JavaScript Files Writing Your First Hello World Program and
  • Creating Variables (String, Integer, Array, etc.)
  • Arrays, For Loop, Array Methods (push, pop, shift, etc.)
  • Basic Arithmetic Operators and Common Object Methods (floor, ceil, round, max, p
  • Working with JavaScript Dates (getFullYear, getMinutes)
  • Creating JavaScript Functions and Using Alert Boxes for Interaction
  • Using While and Do While Loops
  • If...Else Statements and Switch Statements
  • Comparison and Logical Operators (!, ==, ===, &&, , etc.)
Document Object Model, JS Events & Validation
  • DOM Manipulation and Handling Events (onClick, onMouseOut, onMouseOver)
  • Creating and Validating a Basic Form for Name and Password
  • Conclusion