  • Medical Disclaimer
  • Welcome to Module 9
  • Course Overview for New Students
  • Special Message for Udemy Students
  • If You Learn Nothing Else, Learn This!
Humor or Thought
  • Autoimmunity - The Cause of All Disease
  • Solving Inflammation - Brilliant!
  • Hippocrates - A Key Thought
  • Someone's Always Dying of Something
NOKAFS (No One Knows Anything For Sure)
  • Do We Know Anything?
  • Reduce Gut Inflammation - But How?
  • Does All Disease Begin in the Gut?
  • Gut Microbiome - Background Story
  • Gut Microbiome - Dr. Ken Berry vs. Dr. William Davis
  • Gut Microbiome - The State of Our Knowledge
  • Gut Microbiome - Gut Testing & Recommendations
  • Gut Microbiome - What About Fiber?
  • Gut Microbiome - Real People, Real Results
Me and My Twin
  • Comparing Our Autoimmune Problems
Stories From the Heart
  • My Autoimmune Mystery - Part 1
  • My Autoimmune Mystery - Part 2
  • My Autoimmune Mystery - Part 3
  • My Autoimmune Mystery - Part 4
Step-By-Step What To Do
  • Preparing To Do a SIBO Test
  • Doing a SIBO Test
  • Evaluating SIBO Test Results
  • Intro - How to Develop Heart Disease One Day at a Time
  • Part 1 - How to Develop Heart Disease One Day at a Time
  • Part 2 - How to Develop Heart Disease One Day at a Time
  • Part 3 - How to Develop Heart Disease One Day at a Time
  • Summary - How to Develop Heart Disease One Day at a Time
Summary of Module 9
  • Module 9 - Summary
Coming Up Next in Module 10
  • Coming Up Next in Module 10
Transcendence - Yes You Can Do It!
  • Transform Your Thinking
30-Day TFA - Think, Feel, Act
  • Module 9 - 30-Day TFA