What is a Macro?
  • Introduction
Recording a Macro
  • Recording a Macro
  • Enabling the Developer Tab
  • Step 1: Clicking Record
  • Step 2: Recording your Macro
  • Step 3: Clicking Stop and Saving your Macro
Running a Macro
  • Step 4: Running Your Macro
  • Where to use a Macro?
Let's Create a Macro - Formatting a Report Example
  • Create a Macro Example - Formatting a Report
  • Create a Macro Example - Filtering Data
Where to from here?
  • Where to from here?
  • Test your Excel macros knowledge!
Bonus Section 6: User Defined Functions
  • Bonus Lecture: User Defined Functions Intro
  • Bonus Lecture: User Defined Functions Walkthrough
Bonus Section 8: The Excel Object Model
  • Introducing the Excel Object Model