Course Introduction & Visual Studio Code Installation
  • Reminder On Videos
  • HTML Introduction
  • Visual Studio Code Installation
Introduction to HTML
  • HTML - Create Project Stucture
  • HTML - First HTML Page
  • HTML - Elements and Attributes
  • HTML - Meta, Heading, and Paragraph Tags
  • HTML - Comments and Text Formatting
  • HTML - Browser Download and Browser Testing
  • HTML - Inline, Internal, and External CSS
  • HTML - Tables
  • HTML - Links and Images
  • HTML - Meta Tags
  • HTML - Lists
  • HTML - Block and Inline Display
  • HTML - Class and ID Selectors
  • HTML - JavaScript Introduction
  • HTML - HTML Colors
  • HTML - Summary Of Section
HTML Forms
  • Introduction To HTML Forms
  • HTML Forms - Elements
  • HTML Forms - Types
  • HTML Forms - Attributes
  • HTML Forms - Create Your First Form
  • HTML Forms - Summary
Course Summary
  • Thank You Joining Me
  • Source Code Download
Bonus Section
  • Bonus Lecture : 50% Discount on All Courses ASP.NET Core, AngularJS 2, Bootstrap