Introduction to Docker
  • What is Docker and Why Use It?
  • Docker vs. Virtual Machines
  • Setting Up Your Docker Environment - Windows Installation
  • Setting Up Your Docker Environment - Ubuntu Installation
  • Docker Terminology and Architecture
  • Our Labs Repository
Docker Basics
  • Presentation: Docker Basics
  • Working with Docker Images
  • Managing Containers
  • Networking in Docker
  • Persistent Storage and Volumes
Docker Compose and Services
  • Introduction to Docker Compose and Services
  • Introduction to Docker Compose: Hands-On
  • Multi-Container Application: Hands-On
  • Scalability and Load Balancing: Hands-On
Docker for Development
  • Docker for Development - Overview
  • Setting Up a Development Environment with Docker: Hands-On
  • Best Practice for Dockerfile
  • Debugging Containers
  • A Bonus for my beloved students !