Use journal to stop procrastination
  • Why procrastination appears and how journaling can help with it
  • Ask this question to facilitate productivity when you don’t want to do the task
  • Remove mental barriers that hold you from performance
  • Return to the past to go smoothly into the future
  • Is your procrastination legit? If so, listen to it carefully
  • What is holding you back from top performance
  • How to quickly motivate your way through the complex task
  • These few insights about the resistance will help you be in control of your work
  • A short childish story that can be a great metaphor to trigger your first step
  • Think about the biggest distractions so they will not stay in your way to result
Use journal to stop anxiety
  • What is anxiety and one of the reasons it appears
  • Express your anxiety state before you can make a change
  • Find your strength to cope with anxiety from your past victories
  • Why is it not reasonable to hide from anxiety? Anxiety and anxiety disorder
  • 2 simple strategies to cope with anxiety effectively
  • Find actions you need to take to replace anxiety with power
  • How to use dialog with your anxiety to bring peace and relief to your state
  • Discover and leverage ways to cope with morning anxiety
  • Face your limiting and negative beliefs that can cause your anxiety
  • Using simple journaling affirmations to tackle anxiety
Improve Perfomance
  • Questions To Improve Personal Performance
  • Bonus