Introduction and overview of the course
  • What will you learn? Who is teaching?
  • My linkedin profile
  • Roadmap, overview of the different sections in this training course.
  • How yo get most out of this course!
The context; why is new Leadership and personal growth so important?
  • Introduction about the current context and the need for new leadership
  • Article: The origins of the New Leadership ABCs
  • 1 minute trigger video about pitfalls in companies
  • 1 minute trigger video about vicious interaction circles in companies
  • 1 minute trigger video about how and why the world is changing
  • 1 minute trigger video about why Mind Growing and New leadership is needed
  • Case study: A company blocked by perceptions and emotions, not tackled
  • Explanation of the assignment "map your context"
  • Map your context
The New Leadership ABCs in a nutshell
  • Introduction of The New Leadership ABCs as a tool to frame your leadership
  • Article: The New Leadership ABCs in a nutshell
  • 1 minute triggering video, New Leadership, the metaphor
  • 1 minute triggering video, The New Leadership ABCs in a nutshell
  • Case study: A transformation process with respect for our brain!
  • Explanation the assignment "your Leadership ABCs in a nutshell"
  • Shape the first contours of your own ABCs
Neuroleadership, the working of our brain and its importance for leadership
  • Introduction on the 3 main parts of the brain and their importance
  • Article on Neuroleadership, the three parts of our brain
  • 1 minute triggering video about the brain team, the 3 parts in our brain
  • 1 minute triggering video about emotional memory and its consequences
  • 1 minute triggering video about how to deal with different emotional reactions
  • Explanation of the 2 assignments concerning the working of our brain
  • How do the 3 parts of the brain influence your behaviour?
  • Observe and analyse the interplay between emotional and rational brain.
A tool for brain based leadership SCARF
  • Introduction on the SCARF principle, how to boost intrinsic motivation of people
  • Article: The SCARF principle, make people moving towards you and not away
  • 1 minute triggering video about the SCARF principle
  • Case Study: The new CEO and his executive committee
  • Summary: The brain and SCARF: What does this all mean for leading people?
  • Explanation of the assignment on "are you leading in a brain friendly way?"
  • Are you leading or collaborating according to the SCARF principles?
Exploring your personality, the make-up of your internal world
  • Introduction on the different layers of your personality
  • Article: The different layers of your personality
  • 1 minute video about your key mindset
  • 1 minute triggering video about what are your drivers?
  • 1 minute triggering video about reframing core beliefs
  • 1 minute triggering video about ego stripping
  • Case Study: How core values don't have to change but can be reframed
  • Explanation of the assignment "explore the layers of your personality"
  • Explore the different layers of your personality!
Ambition, the A of the New Leadership ABCs
  • Introduction on formulating business ambitions, the A of the New Leadership ABCs
  • Article: How to formulate a business ambition
  • 1 minute triggering video about Ambition
  • 1 minute triggering video about: how real is your ambition?
  • Case study: How authentic, shocking facts can change the energy in the room!
  • Explanation of the assignment "Formulate an ambition"
  • Formulate your Ambition
Boundaries, the B of the New Leadership ABCs
  • Introduction on the importance and formulation of steering boundaries
  • Article: The importance of Boundaries and how to formulate them
  • 1 minute triggering video about Boundaries
  • 1 minute triggering video about why boundaries are so important
  • 1 minute triggering video about what happens when you don't define Boundaries
  • 1 minute triggering video about the relation between boundaries and creativity
  • Case study: An oil refinery in distress because of lack of Boundaries
  • Explanation of the assignment "define your boundaries"
  • Define your Boundaries
Culture, the first C of the New Leadership ABCs
  • Introduction on the importance of culture and how to shape it
  • Article: The importance of team and company culture
  • 1 minute triggering video about Culture, the first C of the New Leadership ABCs
  • 1 minute triggering video about the Monkey trap, when culture turns bad
  • Case study: How culture needs to and can shift
  • Explanation of the assignment on culture
  • Defining your desired culture and related action plan
Coaching, the second C of the New Leadership ABCs - PART I: what do people need?
  • Introduction on Coaching: 4 conditions people need to grow
  • Article: 4 conditions for growth
  • 1 minute triggering video about the 4 elements needed for personal growth
  • Explanation of the assignment on what your people need to develop
  • Have a look at your employees and/or colleagues, what do they need to grow?
Coaching, the second C of the New Leadership ABCs - PART II The foundation
  • Introduction on why communication can be complex: the 4 levels of communication
  • Article: Communication is more than content
  • 1 minute triggering video about where communication goes wrong
  • 1 minute triggering video about when leaders speak, people listen on 4 levels
  • 1 minute triggering video about active listening
  • 1 minute triggering video about exploring, a very effective way of listening
  • 1 minute trigger about meta-communication
  • Case study: So, this is the way communication works? Then I'll do it like that!
  • Explanation of the assignment "the different layers of communication"
  • Becoming aware of the different layers in your communication
Coaching, the second C of the New Leadership ABCs - PART III: How to influence?
  • Introduction on leadership influence: the leadership compass
  • Article: Action and Reaction, Understanding influence
  • Article: The Leadership Compass, 4 types of behaviour
  • 1 minute triggering video about influencing
  • 1 minute triggering video about how to deal with red behaviour
  • 1 minute triggering video about how to deal with yellow behaviour