- Introduction and Overview
- Test your basics
- Introduction to Assertions
- SVA Basics - Immediate and Concurrent Assertions
- SVA Basics - Sequence and Property Blocks
- SequenceOperators - Repeat Operators
- SequenceOperators - AND , OR
- SequenceOperators -FirstMatch, Throughout and Within
- SequenceOperators- if else, ended and triggered
- Test your knowledge on operators
- Sequences - Local Variables and Subroutines
- Sequences - Sampled Value Functions
- Sequences_SystemTasks_Functions
- Test Your knowledge
- Sequences - Lab Exercise 1
- SVA - Properties - Basics and Types
- SVA - Recursive Properties
- Clock resolution and Multiple Clock sequences
- SVA - Binding and expect property
- SV Assertions - Tips and Best Usages
- Testing on Assertions
- Assertions - Lab Exercise 2
- Introduction to Coverage
- SV Covergroups and Coverpoints - Basics
- Coverage bins - Auto, transition, wildcard, ignore, illegal
- SV Cross Coverage
- Coverage options and usages
- Coverage Methods, Performance, cover properties and misc
- Testing Functional Coverage learning
- SV Functoinal Coverage Lab Exercises
- Upcoming Mini project - Creating Assertions and Coverage for SDRAM interface
- Test Your skills
- Summary and Wrap up