  • Introduction
Greeting and Introduction
  • Hello, Hello (for males), Hello (for females)
  • Thank you, You are welcome
  • Yes, No, I, You, Please
  • What is your name?, How are you?
  • Can you speak English?, Can you help me?, Where are you from?
Food and Dining
  • Very delicious, Thai food
  • Spicy papata salad, Cash, Restaurant
  • Have you eaten?, Do you have a menu in English?
  • What is this?, I would like to eat... , No spicy
  • Have, Don't have
  • How much is this?, Do you have a larger size?
transporting and travelling
  • Train, Airport
  • Where is [Siam Paragon]?, Is the train going to [Bangkok]?
At the hotel
  • Hotel, Breakfast
  • Where is the hotel?, I want to book the hotel room.
  • Conclusion - Recap