- Introduction to the course
- History of GNU/Linux
- Introduction to GNU/Linux
- Introduction to Linux Distributions
- QUICK WIN: cal and date
- Introduction to Terminal and Shell
- Introduction to Linux
- BONUS: looking ahead of the curve
- Conclusion
- Introduction: Basic Terminal Commands
- Where am I?
- Change directory
- List files
- Create a directory
- Create a file
- Introduction to Terminal commands - PART 1
- Type of a file
- Read a file
- Concatenate files
- Copy a file
- Move or Rename a file
- Remove a file
- History of your shell commands
- Find a file
- Shorten a long command
- Introduction to Terminal commands - PART 2
- Introduction: Help on Terminal Commands
- Manual pages
- What does this Terminal command do?
- Getting help on Terminal commands
- Introduction: File manipulation commands
- Standard output redirection
- Standard input redirection
- Standard Error redirection
- Chain Linux commands
- Search for a keyword in a file
- File manipulation commands - PART 1
- Count words in a file
- Sort content of a file
- Filter content of a file
- Environment variables on Linux
- Compress files to save storage space
- Read top and bottom of a file
- Translate characters on a file
- File manipulation commands - PART 2
- Introduction: Linux Filesystem
- High-level overview of Filesystem hierarchy
- Disk usage on Linux
- Mount and unmount a filesystem (USB drive)
- Linux Filesystem
- Introduction: Text editor
- NANO editor: open, edit and save a file
- NANO editor: Basic navigation commands
- Text editor on Linux
- Introduction: User management
- User Management: Tools
- Root user account and Substitute user account
- User management in Linux
- Introduction: Networking fundamentals
- Check internet connectivity: ping
- Download a remote file: wget
- Share a local file: HTTP Server
- Networking fundamentals
- ACTIVITY: Download a remote file and access it on HTTP Server
- Introduction: Productivity on Command Line
- Shortcuts on shell
- Introduction to Z Shell
- Command line applications for image viewing and screenshot
- Congratulations!
- Bonus Lecture: Additional resources