Introduction and greeting!
  • Introduction and greeting!
Negative Social Energy Grid
  • Negative Social Energy Grid
Practise Exercises
  • Meditation Exercise "Unloading (or liberation) of Consciousness"
  • Meditation Exercise "Disconnection from negative energy grid"
  • Meditation "unity with nature"
The Anchoring of the Changes. Positive activity in the material world!
  • Choosing harmonious financial activity. Some basic concepts.
  • Uniting with good people!
  • Carrying out the soul image to the physical level & Create unique creative arts!
Positive financial activities. Step-by-step instructions!
  • Carrying out the soul image to the physical level via computer based drawing.
  • Carrying out an active creative flow of energy into the material world.
  • Carrying out on the planet earth 3d images of other planets and civilizations.
  • Strengthening the presence of your energies on the planet via communication
  • Harmonious interaction and life in harmony with nature.