  • Introduction to the course
Basics of Mental Health
  • Understanding Mental Health
  • Common Mental Health Disorders
  • Section 2 Quiz on both lesson 2 and 3
  • Section 2 Worksheet
Coping Strategies and Emotional Well-being
  • Techniques for Managing Stress
  • Building Emotional Resilience
  • Section 3 quiz on lesson 4 and 5
  • Stress and Resilience Journal
Managing Anxiety and Depression
  • Understanding and Managing Anxiety
  • Understanding and Managing Depression
  • Anxiety and Depression journal
  • Quiz on anxiety and depression
Youth Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention
  • Youth Suicide Prevention
  • Crisis Intervention Skills
  • (Not an assignment) Activity: Role-Playing Crisis Intervention
  • Quiz for section 5
ADHD Awareness and Management
  • Understanding ADHD
  • ADHD Management Strategies
  • Bonus articles
  • Section 6 quiz
  • Managing ADHD
Seeking Help and Providing Support
  • When and How to Seek Professional Help
  • Supporting Others with Mental Health Challenges
  • Providing Support Plan
  • Section 7 quiz
  • Final Exam