  • Python and Pycharm Installation
  • Setup and First Project
Python Basics
  • Variables and Assignment
  • Basic Data Types
  • Variables and Assignment Exercises
  • Variables and Assignment Exercises Solution
  • Comments and Math Operators
  • Comments and Math Operators Quiz
  • Comments and Math Operators Review Exercises
  • Comments and Math Operators Review Exercise Solution
  • print()
  • print() exercises
  • print() exercises solutions
  • More On Floats
  • More On Floats Quiz
  • Programming Challenge: Grocery Store Purchase
  • Grocery Store Purchase Solution with integers
  • Grocery Store Purchase Solution with round()
Strings Part 1
  • strings
  • Strings Exercises
  • Strings Exercises Solution
  • type() and str()
  • Escape Sequences
  • type(), str(), and escape sequences exercises
  • type(), str(), and escape sequences exercises solution
  • Programming Challenge: Asterisk Triangle
  • Asterisk Triangle Solution
  • input()
  • Programming Challenge: Monty Python
  • Monty Python Solution
  • int() and float()
  • int() exercise
  • int() exercise solution(s)
  • functions
  • function with no parameters exercise
  • function with no parameters exercise solution
  • function with 1 parameter exercise
  • function with 1 parameter exercise solution
  • Programming Challenge: Volume of a Rectangular Prism
  • Volume of a Rectangular Prism Solution
  • Programming Challenge: Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • Celsius to Fahrenheit Solution with integers
  • Celsius to Fahrenheit Solution with round()
  • importing modules
  • Programming Challenge: Miles Per Gallon
  • Miles Per Gallon Solution
  • variable scope
  • variable scope quiz
flow control
  • Intro to Flow Control
  • comparison operators quiz
  • boolean operators quiz
  • if statements
  • else statements
  • nested if and else statements
  • Programming Challenge: Grade Determiner
  • Grade Determiner Solution
  • elif statements
  • Programming Challenge: Roman Numeral Equivalent
  • Roman Numeral Equivalent Solution
  • truthy and falsey values
introduction to loops
  • while loops
  • While Loops Exercise
  • While Loops Exercise Solution
  • Programming Challenge: Sum of Numbers From A Positive Integer
  • Sum of Numbers From a Positive Integer Solution
  • for loops
  • For Loops Exercise
  • For Loops Exercise Solution
  • Programming Challenge: Find The Number of Characters in A String
  • Find The Number of Characters in A String Solution
  • range()
  • range() quiz
  • Programming Challenge: Fizz Buzz
  • Fizz Buzz Solution
  • Programming Challenge: Factorial
  • Factorial Solution
strings part 2
  • string methods 1
  • string methods 1 exercises
  • string methods 1 exercise solutions
  • string methods 2
  • string methods 2 exercises
  • string methods 2 exercise solutions
  • len()
  • Programming Challenge: String Reverser
  • String Reverser Solution
  • Programming Challenge: Word Counter
  • Word Counter Solution
  • .format()
  • introduction to lists
  • introduction to lists exercises
  • introduction to lists exercises solutions
  • indexes and list slicing