  • Introduction
  • Basics of Exercise
  • Proven Benefits of Exercise
  • What is VO2 Max?
  • How Much Exercise is Enough?
Muscle Growth
  • All About Muscles
  • Why do Muscles Get Fatigued?
  • Diet, Nutrition, and Sleep for Muscle Growth
  • Muscles and Posture
Exercise Principles
  • F.I.I.T Principle
  • Specificity Principle
  • Overload Principle
  • "Use It or Lose It" Principle
  • Rest, Recovery, and Insights
Types of Exercise Routines
  • Types of Exercises: An 1-minute Overview
  • Interval Training 101: Boost Your Fitness Fast!
  • Burn More in Less Time: The Power of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
  • Circuit Training - A Quick Intro
  • Interval vs Circuit Training
  • CrossFit : A Quick Intro
  • What's Better -- Sports or Going to the Gym?
  • Cross Training - A Quick Intro
  • Yoga and Exercise
  • What to Consider When Designing Your Workout Plan?
  • Wrapup