Introduction: Career Trajectory foundational program
  • Introduction to Study in USA
US Colleges = $ Investment
  • Why invest in US education?
Mistake #1: Success is not accidental!
  • Mistake #1: Don't keep your career on autopilot.
Mistake #2: Not getting a college degree.
  • Mistake #2: Studying only till high-school diploma.
Mistake #3: Not planning US college education early.
  • Mistake #3: Not planning/preparing for US college early.
Mistake #4: Studying in the wrong country.
  • Mistake #4: Studying college in the wrong country.
Mistake #5: Not seeking quality college counseling.
  • Mistake #5: Not having quality college education counseling.
Mistake #6: Selecting the wrong college major.
  • Mistake #6: Don't select the wrong college major.
Mistake #7: Selecting the wrong US college?
  • Mistake #7: Not selecting the right US college!
Mistake #8: Taking a large student loan!
  • Mistake #8: Taking on a large student debt.
Mistake #9: Not actively seeking US financial aid.
  • Mistake #9: Not actively seeking scholarships and other aid.
Mistake #10: Not building a holistic US college application.
  • Mistake #10: Not focusing on building a holistic US college application.
Bonus: Advanced Guidance | Career Trajectory premium program.
  • Introduction to the Career Trajectory premium program.
  • Save $60 on Career Trajectory premium program!
  • Check Out Career Trajectory on ScaleUP USA