  • Welcome Message
  • Build Your Profitable Course FAST
  • The Power to Transform Your Business
  • Courses as a Solid Business Strategy
  • Hi! I'm Caroline
  • How to Know If Launching an Online Course is Right for You
  • The Online Course Boom
  • A Business Model That Scales
  • Before Online Courses I Was Stuck
  • The 3 Secrets of a Profitable Online Course
Secret #1 - Choose Your High-Value Course Topic
  • What Does it Mean to Be High-Value?
  • Most Course Creators Get It All Wrong
  • The High-Value Formula
  • Start With You - The 3 Question Brainstorm
  • Is the Problem You're Solving Valuable?
  • Are They Willing to Pay?
  • Let's Talk About Niching - The Big 3
  • Niche #1 - Health
  • Niche #2 - Wealth
  • Niche #3 - Relationships
  • A ChatGPT Prompt To Help You Choose Your High-Value Course Topic
  • TEXT - ChatGPT Prompt
Secret #2 - Price to Profit
  • The 3 Essentials - High-Value, Right Price + Verification
  • The Right Price Makes a Big Difference
  • The Mini-Offer Mistake
  • The $5k+ Course Launch Strategy
Secret #3 - From Live to Evergreen
  • Start with a Founding Live Launch
  • 3 Steps - From Live to Automation
  • The Power of Feedback
  • Building a Community
  • The Transition to Evergreen - Your Unique Why
  • A Sales Machine for Your Business
  • Grow Your Mission with Evergreen
  • Start with Live
Closing + Next Steps
  • Let's Review
  • BONUS - Create Your Profitable Online Course