Reviewing the tools we will use on this course
  • Understanding the stack we will use
Creating a React project and setting up Chakra UI
  • Create a react app
  • Installing and configuring chakra ui
  • Creating a Navigation bar
Installing Redux and creating our first Slice
  • Adding Redux toolkit and configuring it
  • Creating a slice for authentication
  • Using the new state in the NavBar
Adding debugging tools to our project
  • Adding tools to help debugging React and Redux
Installing and creating our first Saga
  • Installing Redux Saga and configuring it
  • Creating our Sagas and updating our reducers
  • Update the NavBar to use the new actions
Installing and configuring WharfKit to connect to WAX
  • Installing ans setting up WharfKit
  • Updating the authSlice with the new reducers
  • Updating our saga to use the new reducers
  • Adding the wallet name in the NavBar
Restoring WAX sessions
  • Restoring existent sessions
  • Creating a Session Initializer component
  • Fixing the restore session state
Fetching the user wallet tokens from the WAX blockchain
  • Creating a State, Reducer and Actions for the tokens
  • Request the token values from the WAX blockchain
  • Creating a Saga to fetch our tokens
  • Registering our sagas with a rootSaga and fixing small mistakes