Introduction and Course Overview
  • Thank You Message from Chris
  • Introduction and Course Overview
  • Please find Attached a PDF of all 40 Tips
  • How to Ask me Questions Live on my Weekly Webcast (Includes Zoom)
Technology to Use to Make Your Online Courses
  • Video Quality Time Saver
  • Audio Quality Time Saver
  • Computer & Editing Software
  • Storage and Backups
  • Preparing to Record Your First Course
  • Re-recording Beats Over-editing
  • What Does My Video Recording Studio Look Like?
What Should You Teach?
  • Everyone Has A Skill They Love and Can Teach
  • Teach from Your Heart First
  • How Do You Know What Course to Teach Next?
Structure of Your Courses
  • Adding Structure to Sections
  • Add (Even More) Exercises
  • Slide Structure (Less is More)
  • Quality Control
  • Course Image, Name and Trailer
  • Including Attachments
  • Best Udemy Instructor to Use as a Role Model for Course Structure & Consistency
Delivery (How You Present/Teach)
  • Use the News
  • Voice
  • Edutainment Works
  • Authenticity
  • Best Udemy Instructor to Use as a Role Model for Production Quality and Delivery
  • Best Udemy Instructor to Use as Role Model for Creative Genius/Content Delivery
Promoting Your Course
  • Less is More in Promotions
  • Monthly Promotion Timing
  • Be Consistent with Your Promotions
  • Advertising Your Course
Customer/Student Communications (The Customer is ALWAYS Right)
  • Dealing with Negative Customer Reviews
  • Automatic (Welcome & Thank You) Messages
  • Answering Questions from Students
Legal Issues (Protect Your Intellectual Property)
  • Piracy and Monitoring News Stories on Your Courses
  • Copyrighting Your Course (Meaning the Content Can’t be Copied…Not the Name)
  • Trademarking Your Course Name (Meaning Protecting the Name and Not the Content)
Additional Topics
  • Teaching on Non-Udemy Platforms: Udemy is Google and Everyone Else is Bing
  • What to Do if Your Course Isn’t Selling
  • Am I Breaking the Rules?
  • Should I Quit My Job and Teach Full Time?
  • Time to Market
  • The Easiest Way Ever to Write a Book Version of Your Courses!!!!
  • It Takes Time…
  • Foreign Translation of Courses & Closed Captions
  • End Note…
Resources (and Accessing the Free Sequel to this Course)
  • For Official Udemy Course Creation Advice, Please See the Links in this Lecture
Bonus Materials
  • Bonus Items