  • Repeat of Marketing video
  • 3 things to know before getting started with the course
  • Introduction
The 9 rules of Time Management
  • Introduction
  • Rule # 1
  • Rule # 2
  • Rule # 3
  • Rule #4
  • Rule # 5
  • Rule # 6
  • Rule # 7
  • Rule # 8
  • Rule # 9
Time Management as a whole: the 5 areas to improve
  • Can you tell who has the heaviest workload?
  • What can cause you being busy or late?
  • The bigger picture: The 5 areas we need to work on to master Time Management
Area 1: Improving yourself to work faster, more efficiently and beat the Stress.
  • Introduction to the "YOU" part of Time Management
  • You are central to your success with Time Management
  • Fear and Time Management
  • The vicious circle of Stress
  • What keeps us stuck in Stress Management
  • The origin of your Stress in Time Management
  • You need to know this about Stress and Time Management
  • Is your Life Balance helping you?
  • Some quick and long term fixes for Stress
  • Try also this for Stress
  • Perfectionism - Introduction, impact on quality and first solutions
  • Perfectionism the artist point of view
  • Perfectionism vs measurable quality
  • Perfectionism: Short term and Long term solutions
  • Introducing REBT
  • Introducing CBT
  • CBT Diagram
  • 10 distorted way of thinking and how they apply to Time Management
  • CBT Examples: How to use it to improve
  • Procrastination: Introduction and main reasons
  • Procrastination: try this to tackle it (part 1)
  • Procrastination: try this to tackle it (part 2)
  • The 2 minute motivation tool
  • The 5 second rule to your rescue
  • Changing our habits to improve drastically our time Management - Try this
  • Two other habit changes to try to master your Time Management
  • (Optional) How I apply those habits tips
Area 2&3 :Improving the context of Time Management: Your environment and others
  • Introduction
  • First step is to raise your awareness
  • Meetings and emails
  • Tip from the One minute Manager to save you time
  • Your environment might be what puts you behind
  • Ask yourself those questions about your environment
  • Improve your environment: Try this
Area 4&5: Time Management systems
  • Issues with time Management systems
  • the Eisenhower matrix: Pros and cons
  • Suggested (drastic) change to the Eisenhower matrix
  • Conclusion
Bonus video
  • Bonus video