- Whats Inside This Course
- What You Should Know, Before Taking This Course
- How to Take This Course
- Softwares To Be Installed
- Course Material - All Source Code
- "THE PROBLEM"... and How AngularJS Solves "THE PROBLEM"
- JavaScript Specials: Modules Can Help You Remain Organized
- Angular Modules: One Stop Shop for All the Components
- JavaScript Specials: IIFE
- Moving our First Module to IIFE
- HTML Specials: Now you can decorate me with Custom Attributes
- Connecting Module and HTML: I am Peter Parker, I wanna be a Spiderman
- JavaScript Specials: Problems with addition of two numbers in JavaScript
- Design Pattern Specials: MVC can make your weekend more enjoyable
- Directives: I am HTML, I am good at Presentations
- Controllers: I am JavaScript, I can Handle the Business Logic
- Models: Not so Old, We are POJO
- Pattern Specials: Dependency Injection can help reduce your emotional attachment
- My Name is $scope and I have been Gifted to Controller by the Secret Santa
- JavaScript Specials: Data Binding in Classical Template Systems
- Angular Data Binding: Continous Updates, Model is a Single Source of Truth
- Pattern Specials: SRP to handle one task at one place
- Services: What can I do for you Sir!
- Filters: Please give me data and not the WATER
- AngularJS Core Concepts
- Programming Specials: Imperative vs. Declarative
- Binding Directives: One Way Binding Directives
- AngularJS Specials: Multiple ways of applying Directives
- Binding Directives: Two Way Binding Directives
- Template Directives: Give me Collection, I will give you Table
- Template Directives: Views Abstraction using ng-include Directive
- Template Directives: Switching Elements using ng-switch Directive
- Template Directives: Hiding Unprocessed Inline Template Binding Expressions
- Element Directives: Showing, Hiding and Conditionally Removing Elements
- Element Directives: Manage State & Enhance Elements
- Style Directives: Manage Classes & CSS
- Events Directives: Manage User Interaction
- Formatting Filters
- Array Transforming Filters
- AngularJS Specials: Bootstrapping of AngularJS Applications
- Organizing Controllers: One for Small and Many for Big Applications
- Scope Communication: Pub-Sub Model Using $rootScope
- Controller Inheritance - How Properties Work
- Controller Inheritance - How Methods Work
- Explicitly Updating Scope: Using $apply & $watch
- AJAX Specials: Server Side Interaction Using Pure JavaScript
- Meet $http Service
- MongoLab Specials: Creating a Database and Tables
- CRUD Using $http and MongoLab - Part 1
- CRUD Using $http and MongoLab - Part 2
- Design Pattern Specials: The Singleton Design Pattern
- Custom Services to Encapsulate Responsibilities
- $q Service: Promises Are Made to be Kept
- Single Page Applications, What are They and Why We Need Them
- SPA Specials: Story of HASH & Your Own Mini-SPA
- $location Service: Knows Everything About Browser URL
- Planning The Shell and Partials of The Application
- $routeProvider Service: Configuring The Routes and Controllers
- $routeParams Service: Getting Passed Information From URL
- Domain Specific Language: Your Own Custom Elements
- Component Directive
- Component Directive: Dynamic Binding Using Parent Scope
- Component Directive: Directives Can Have Other Directives As Well
- Component Directive: Taking Template Out of Directive Definition
- Component Directive: Handling User Interaction in Directives Controller
- The Misunderstood Concept of Directives Scope Made Understood
- OOB Directive: Use "=" Symbol to Pass Objects
- OOB Directive: Use "@" Symbol to Pass String Values
- OOB Directive: Use "&" Symbol to Call the Function on Parent Scope
- Custom Filter - Because We Need Our Own Data Transformation
- Link Function - Handle DOM Access, Manipulation & Events
- Bootstrapping Services: $parse, $interpolate & $compile
- Compile Function - Auto Compile Using Compile Function
- Transclusion - Injecting HTML Parts as a Reference
- The Requirement
- Analysis & Design
- Folder Structure
- Application Layout - 101
- Application Layout - 102
- First Directive of Application
- First Service of Application
- Render Data Using First Service
- Render Data Using Second Service
- Render Data Using Third Service
- The Chart Directive
- Code Refactoring