  • What we will learn in that course?
Fix errors, lists work, style text
  • Fix errors in PHP file
  • Work with lists
  • Style text to html
  • List sorting
  • Write HTML code by text to guess how chatGPT works with text
Sql queries, Math in ChatGPT, Css Sass Scss
  • Sql queries
  • Math in ChatGPT
  • Css sass scss
  • Lets check how you understand that section?
  • Write 2 SQL queries fixed by chatGPT?
Nested arrays
  • Nested arrays
CSV to SQL, Edit SQL columns with calculation and conditions
  • CSV to SQL
  • Edit SQL columns with calculation and conditions
Fix me CSS, Calculation and converters, Spin SVG animation
  • Fix me CSS
  • Calculation and converters
  • Generate spin SVG animation
Generate HTML, convert JSON to JS
  • Generate HTML
  • Convert JSON to JS
ChatGPT Prompts
  • 10+ ChatGPT Prompts for Web Developers
Thank you guys! Leave some review, please
  • Thank you guys! Leave some review, please