I am Karthik K.K. I do consulting, blogging and researching on various different tools and technologies which inspire my interest. I have been into Software Automation Testing for over 15+ years now and my interest in learning new stuffs which enables automation has never been compromised.
Due to my passion in automation testing I got fully exposed to tools and languages like
Desktop & Web : Cypress, Selenium, Specflow,Puppeteer,Plawright, UFT, VS Coded UI, Ranorex ,Test Complete and Cucumber
Mobile : Appium, Robotium,Calabash, Espresso, Selendroid
Languages : C#, Java, Ruby, Powershell, Javascript, VBScript
Cloud Tools : Azure, Dockers
Misc Tools: Mockito, Rest-assured, Bound-Box,FluentAutomation
Interested in: MVC, Entity framework, LINQ, Fakes, Distributed deployment, SAAS, Event-Driven System