• General Objectives and the Priorities of Erasmus+ Program
  • Important Features of the Programme:
  • Structure of the Erasmus+ Programme
Key Actions
  • Mobility Projects for Higher Education Students and Staff
  • Erasmus Accreditation in Vocational Education and Training (VET), School Educati
  • Mobility for Learners and Staff in Vocational Education and Training
  • Mobility for Pupils and Staff in School Education
  • Learning Mobility in the Field of Youth
  • Mobility for Learners and Staff in Adult Education
  • Key Action 2: Cooperation Among Organisations and Institutions
  • Partnerships for Excellence
  • Horizontal Priorities for Mobility Projects
  • Mobility for Pupils and Staff in School Education/ Types of Mobilities
  • Funding Rules for School Education Mobility Projects
  • Additional Information
  • Mobility for Learners and Staff in Adult Education
  • Learning Mobility in the Field of Youth
  • Mobility of Staff in the Field of Sport
  • Partnership of Cooperation
  • Small Scale Partnerships
  • Partnerships for Excellence
  • Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs)
  • Erasmus+ Teacher Academies
  • Erasmus Mundus Action
  • Partnerships for Innovation
  • Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • Capacity Building in the Field of Vocational Education and Training (VET)
  • Capacity Building in the Field of Youth
  • Capacity Building in the Field of Sport
  • Not-for-Profit European Sport Events
  • Key Action 3: Support to Policy Development and Cooperation
  • European Youth Together:
  • Jean Monnet Actions
Information for Applicants
  • Key Steps for Application:
  • How to Submit an Erasmus+ Application
  • Step 2: Check Compliance with Programme Criteria
  • Financial Conditions
  • Submission of Application