  • Introduction
  • Course Progression and Architecture
First Steps
  • Environment Setup
  • First Backend Application Deployed
Restructuring into Scalable Code
  • Serverless Framework YAML abstractions and common configs
  • Creating RESTful API functions
  • Initial Look at AWS Console Resources
Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
  • Creating VPCs and Subnets - Networking for Lambdas
  • Terraform Apply and what gets created on AWS
  • Update back end to use new infrastructure
Authentication with AWS Cognito
  • Creating an AWS Cognito User Pool in Terraform
  • Bearer Authentication for the back end
  • Look at AWS Resources for the User Pool and begin authentication code flow
  • Complete Implicit Grant flow
  • Chat App with Lambda Websockets
  • Secure the Chat Application
Final Thoughts and Thanks
  • Boilerplate with additional content and thanks