  • Welcome & Introduction
Module 1: Introduction to Purpose
  • Understanding the concept of purpose
  • Exploring the importance of having a sense of purpose
  • Historical, Spiritual and cultural perspectives on purpose
Module 2: Self-Reflection
  • Tools and techniques for self-reflection
  • More Self Reflection....
  • Identifying personal values, passions, and strengths
  • What are my values, passions and strengths?
  • Analysing past experiences and their impact on personal growth
Module 3: Goal Setting and Vision
  • Setting meaningful and achievable goals
  • Creating a personal vision statement
  • Writing your Vision Statement
  • Aligning goals with values and purpose
Module 4: Overcoming Obstacles
  • Recognising common obstacles to finding purpose
  • Strategies for overcoming fear and self-doubt
  • Building resilience and perseverance
Module 5: Exploring Passion and Interests
  • Connecting passions to purpose
  • Integrating passion into personal and professional life
  • Aligning actions with values for a purpose-driven life
Module 7: Creating a Purposeful Plan
  • Developing a personalised action plan
  • Setting short-term and long-term goals
  • Goal Setting
  • Implementing strategies to stay on track
  • Summary