Introduction & Your Personality
  • Introduction & Mindset before the Interview
  • Dress for Success
  • The Handshake Part I
  • The Handshake Part II
Interviewing Technique & Basics
  • The Interview Part I
  • The Interview Part II
  • CAR Method Explained
  • STAR Method Explained
Top 16 Interview Questions & Answers
  • Tell Me About Yourself?
  • What is Your Greatest Weakness?
  • What is Your 10 Year Vision?
  • What Are You Earning Now?
  • Why Did You Quit?
  • What Do Your Colleagues Say About You?
  • Why Are You Interested In This Job?
  • What Do You Know About The Company?
  • Do You Have Any Questions?
  • What Was Your Career's Biggest Challenge?
  • Which Companies Are You Interviewing With?
  • What Are Your Leadership Challenges?
  • Tell Us About An Innovative Idea?
  • Did You Ever Have A Disagreement With A Colleague?
  • What Is Your Greatest Professional Achievement?
  • Success You Want To Achieve In The Next 5 Years
  • Last Tips & Final Words