Preperation: Download code and install requirements
  • Clone repo and follow instructions
Influxdb project 1: Write and read temperatures using the influxdb REST api
  • Section 1: Scenario, learning objectives, and steps
  • Theory: Influxdb schema and LINE protocol
  • Influxdb schema and LINE protocol
  • Theory: Influxdb query language
  • Influxdb query language
  • Scenario schema design and schema design checklist
  • Setup influxdb using docker-compose
  • Create a db with postman
  • Write a datapoint with postman
  • Query datapoints with postman
  • Create a db with python
  • Write temperatures for a whole day in python
  • Querying temperatures in python
  • Graph the temperatures using highcharts
  • Explanation of visualization code
  • Recap and issues
  • Retention policy and continuous query for downsampling
  • Advanced queries
  • Setup and deploy
  • Influx internals
  • Where to go next in the documentation