Navigating DBT
  • Welcome to this mini-course
  • Let's get started
  • Mindfulness Exercise: Loving-Kindness
Introduction to DBT
  • Introduction to Dialectics
  • Introduction to DBT: Dialectics
  • Let’s dive into Dialectics with a video from TheraHive’s DBT Skills Curriculum
  • Introduction to Behaviorism
  • Introduction to DBT: Behaviorism
  • A short video from TheraHive on the behavioral model through which DBT is built
  • DBT's Focus and Features
  • Introduction to DBT: It's Focus & Features
  • DBT's Connection to CBT and it's Evolution
  • DBT's Connection to CBT and it's Evolution
  • Let's wrap up part one of this course
  • DBT's Broad Applicability and Time-Bound Nature
Understanding the DBT Skills & Modules
  • The DBT Skill Modules Explained
  • Understanding the DBT Skills Modules
  • A Note about Skill Stacking
The Components of Comprehensive DBT
  • What is Comprehensive DBT Made of?
  • The Components of Comprehensive DBT
  • Comprehensive isn't the only game in town
Navigating Your Mental Health Journey
  • Where should you start?
  • Your DBT Learning Options
Final Considerations
  • Making a decision
  • Your DBT Learning Options
  • Congratulations on Completing Your DBT Journey with Us!
  • Thank you!