- Introduction
- "Hello World" with Javascript
- Quiz-1
- Little History
- Quiz-2
- Variables
- Using 'REPL' style console
- Quiz-3
- Data Types
- Flavor of Javascript
- Quiz-4
- The String data type
- The Number data type
- The Boolean data type
- Comments
- Operators
- Expressions
- Quiz-5
- 'if-else' statement
- 'switch' statement
- The 'while' loop
- The 'for' loop
- 'break' and 'continue'
- Quiz-6
- Functions
- Variable Scope
- Type Conversion
- Javascript in a web page
- Using external Javascript files
- Quiz-7
- Assignment-1
- What are objects?
- Object properties
- JSON- Javascript Object Notation
- The ‘global’ object
- Quiz - 1
- Arrays in Javascript
- Sparse Arrays
- Arrays as objects
- Length of an array
- Iterating over an array
- Deleting elements of an array
- Quiz-2
- Methods in an array
- Sorting arrays
- Quiz-3
- Assignment-2
- Coverage
- Functional paradigm
- Higher Order functions
- Anonymous functions
- Nested functions
- Quiz-1
- Closures
- Closures - An example
- Quiz-2
- List Comprehension - filter function
- List Comprehension - map function
- List Comprehension - reduce function
- Accessing variable number of arguments
- Quiz-3
- Assignment-3
- Coverage
- Functions as Objects
- The ‘this’ keyword
- Quiz-1
- Constructor functions
- Using the ‘prototype’ property
- Inheritance using 'prototype'
- Quiz-2
- Assignment-4
- Coverage
- Error handling
- Debugging
- DOM: Document Object Model
- Quiz-1
- A simple slideshow
- 'setTimeout' function
- Browser events
- Event bubbling and propagation
- The event object
- Quiz-2
- AJAX overview
- Using XMLHttpRequest object
- Using var keyword for local variables
- How browsers work
- Quiz-3
- Conclusion
- Assignment-5