  • Day 1: Introduction to Python Programming
  • Day 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators
  • Day 3: Control Flow and Conditional Statements
  • Day 4: Loops and Iterations
  • Day 5: Functions and Modularity
  • Day 6: Python Libraries and Modules
  • Day 7: Error Handling and Exception Handling
  • Day 8: File Handling and Input/Output Operations
  • Day 9: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Web Concepts
  • Day 12: Database Integration with Python
  • Day 11: Web Development with Flask
  • Day 15: Introduction to Data Structures in Python
  • Day 16: Algorithms and Problem Solving in Python
  • Day 17: Introduction to Recursion in Python
  • Day 18: Introduction to Web Scraping in Python
  • Day 10: Advanced Python Concepts
  • Day 13: Data Analysis and Visualization with Python
  • Day 14: Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
  • Day 19: Introduction to Data Visualization in Python
  • Day 21: Introduction to Deep Learning in Python
  • Day 20: Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python