  • Preview of Course in 30 seconds
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • what are variables ?
  • what are Datatypes ?
  • Quiz-2
  • what are Operators ?
  • what is difference between mutable and immutable datatypes ?
  • quiz-3
  • how to access list items ?
  • what are the different types of list methods ?
  • quiz-4
  • list methods execution
  • what are the different types of set methods ?
  • what are the different types of string methods ?
  • quiz-5
  • String formatting
  • what is string slicing ?
  • Dictionary methods
  • what is type casting ?
  • Type casting execution
  • what are loops ?
  • for loop in list animation
  • for loop in string animation
  • for loop with range
  • for loop with range and step animation
  • for loop with range in length (list) animation
  • for loop with range i, j animation
  • for loop in range i, j-execution
  • Break statement -animation
  • while loop animation
  • Even number program execution
  • Palindrome program execution
  • what is exception handling ?
  • Try-except execution
  • what is function ?
  • Function-execution
  • what is zip function ?
  • zip function execution
  • what are decorators ?
  • What is class and object ?
  • Example of basic class
  • How to create object ?
  • what is self ?
  • what is Inheritance?
  • what is Encapsulation ?
  • what is file handling ?
  • File handling quiz
  • What is Regular expression ?
  • Interview Programs