What will you learn in this course?
  • Introduction
  • Disclaimer
Python Interview Questions - Part 1
  • How will you improve the performance of a program in Python?
  • What are the benefits of using Python?
  • How will you specify source code encoding in a Python source file?
  • What is Pickling in Python?
  • How will you perform Static Analysis on a Python Script?
Python Interview Questions - Part 2
  • What is a Python Decorator?
  • What is the difference between List and Dictionary data types in Python?
  • What are the different built-in data types available in Python?
  • What is a Namespace in Python?
  • What is the use of Pass statement in Python?
Python Interview Questions - Part 3
  • What is the use of Slicing in Python?
  • How do you perform unit testing for Python code?
  • What is the difference between an Iterator and Iterable in Python?
  • What is the significance of functions that start with _ symbol?
  • What is lambda expression in Python?
Python Interview Questions - Part 4
  • What are the main benefits of using Python?
  • What is a metaclass in Python?
  • What is Python Flask?
  • What is the use of zip() function in Python?
  • What is a Module in Python?
Python Interview Questions - Part 5
  • Python is an Object Oriented programming language or a functional language?
  • What is the difference between append() and extend() functions of a list?
  • How will you handle an error condition in Python code?
  • How will you check in Python, if a class is subclass of another class?
  • How do you profile a Python script?
Python Interview Questions - Part 6
  • How will you share variables across modules in Python?
  • What is the improvement in enumerate() function of Python?
  • What are the popular Python libraries used in Data analysis?
  • What is the output of following code in Python?
  • Bonus Lecture: What next?