Introduction and Enviroment Setup
  • Introduction of this course
  • Environment Setup
Advance Javascript Essential
  • Function Declaration vs Function Expression
  • Name Function Expression
  • Immediately-Invoked Function Expression
  • Click Event and mouse event
  • Key Event
  • Arrow Functions
  • Arrow Function to an array
  • Ternary Operator
  • Currying Function
  • Javascript Promise
Object Oriented Programming
  • Object Basic
  • Prototype Properties
  • Object Inheritance with arguments
  • Class Object Oriented
Javascript JSON
  • Introduction of JSON
  • JSON Convert to String
  • JSON Filter
Javascript AJAX
  • Ajax with onreadystatechange
  • Ajax with JSON
Javascript Form Validation
  • Registration Form
  • Event Listener
  • Empty Validation
More ES6 Topic
  • New Math algorithms
  • Spread Operator
Create Random Password
  • Random Password Form
  • Random Password Script