  • Version Check
  • Course Overview
  • Prerequisites & Target Audience
  • Community & Support
  • Getting Free PhpStorm License
ZIP-based PHP
  • ZIP-based PHP Installation
  • Composer Installation
  • Symfony CLI Installation
  • symfony:check-requirements
  • composer create-project
  • Built-in PHP Server
  • symfony:serve
  • VSCode Extensions
  • PhpStorm Configuration
  • Implement the application
Databases & XAMPP
  • ORM Entity & SQLite
  • XAMPP - Installation and Configuration
  • MariaDB from XAMPP
Symfony on Docker Containers
  • WSL2 Installation
  • Docker Installation
  • Start project using dunglas/symfony-docker
  • Array-based fortune cookies again...
  • orm-pack on Docker [PostgreSQL]
  • Change PostgreSQL to MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Summary and Next Steps
  • Bonus Lecture