- Introduction
- Part 2 - Installing and configuring Typescript with Visual studio code
- Part 3 - Working with variable declarations and types
- Part 4 - Working with Enums and Arrays
- Part 5 - Working with Functions (Basic)
- Part 6 - Working with Anonymous and Lambda functions
- Part 7 - Working with Interfaces
- Part 8 - Working with Classes
- Part 9 - Working with Generics
- Part 10 - Working with Modules
- Part 11 - More on Typescript Modules
- Part 12 - Understanding Module loaders of Javascript
- Part 13 - Namespaces in Typescript
- Part 14 - Introduction to Type definitions
- Part 15 - Type definitions with Definitely typed and typings
What you'll learn
- Understand what Typescript is all about
- How easy it is to program in typescript for JavaScript
- How beautifully Visual studio code is developed app using typescript
- Understand module loaders
- Understand type definitions and different providers
Typescript Fundamentals course is designed in such a way that anyone with Zero knowledge in Typescript can start and become much comfortable in typescript in less than 3 hours of this course.
In this course we will discuss some of the most important building blocks like
- Introduction and installation of typescript
- Understand the basic building blocks like variables, arrays and Enums
- Understand the power of interfaces
- Work with classes and generics
- Understand what namespaces are and how they are becoming obsolete
- Understand module loaders
- Work with type definitions and understand different type definition providers
At the end of this course, you will be familiar with all building blocks of typescript which are used in developing many different languages and tools like AngularJS, Protractor etc
Welcome to the all new world of Typescript !
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About the instructors
- 4.28 Calificación
- 304383 Estudiantes
- 32 Cursos
Karthik KK
Software Architect, Consultant,Youtuber and Best Seller
I am Karthik K.K. I do consulting, blogging and researching on various different tools and technologies which inspire my interest. I have been into Software Automation Testing for over 15+ years now and my interest in learning new stuffs which enables automation has never been compromised.
Due to my passion in automation testing I got fully exposed to tools and languages like
Desktop & Web : Cypress, Selenium, Specflow,Puppeteer,Plawright, UFT, VS Coded UI, Ranorex ,Test Complete and Cucumber
Mobile : Appium, Robotium,Calabash, Espresso, Selendroid
Languages : C#, Java, Ruby, Powershell, Javascript, VBScript
Cloud Tools : Azure, Dockers
Misc Tools: Mockito, Rest-assured, Bound-Box,FluentAutomation
Interested in: MVC, Entity framework, LINQ, Fakes, Distributed deployment, SAAS, Event-Driven System
Student feedback
Course Rating
Good, each concept discussed was clear