Understanding the ABC of Docker
  • Introduction and Installation
  • Understanding and working with Docker Images
  • Understanding Docker Containers
  • Working with Docker CLI
  • Understanding Docker Architecture
  • Working with Windows Containers
  • Understanding Docker Volumes
  • Working with Docker Volume using SQL Server Images
  • Understanding Docker Networking
  • Connecting two Containers with Docker Networking (Frontend and Backend)
  • Pushing and Pulling your custom docker images with Docker Registry
  • Building Docker Image - NodeJS application
Running Selenium Test with Containerized Selenium Grid and Application
  • Introduction and demo of final implementation
  • Understanding Application Under Test
  • Writing simple Selenium C# test with XUnit
  • Setting up Dynamic Selenium Grid to run within Docker Container
  • [YouTube Video] - Dynamic Selenium Grid [Skippable]
  • Writing DriverFixture to handle RemoteWebDriver Instance and IDisposable
  • Problem while accessing Application running Inside Docker container - Grid Node
  • Running Selenium Grid container along with Application containers
  • Adding more selenium test and run the test inside Selenium Node container
  • Introduction to Parallel Selenium Test with Different browsers types
  • Creating Browser Options to run various browser type of choice in Grid Nodes
  • Parallel Selenium Test on Ephemeral Docker Node container with App Container
Selenium Tests project to run as an Container
  • Introduction
  • Building Docker Image for Selenium Test Project
  • Running Ephemeral Selenium Test Container
  • Running Selenium Test container along with Application Container - Same Network
  • Adding Docker Compose file to run everything within container
  • Summary
  • Complete Source code
GitHub Actions Basics
  • Introduction
  • Understanding GitHub Action Workflows
  • Working with Jobs, Steps and run in GitHub Actions workflow
  • Working with Multiple Jobs in Workflow
  • Understanding Context and Environment variables with Expressions
  • Creating .NET application and running them in GitHub Actions workflow
  • Understanding Triggers in GitHub Actions workflow
  • GitHub Strategies and Matrix execution to execute in various environment combo
  • Enable more verbose information of GitHub Actions workflow for debugging
CI/CD of Selenium Tests, Microservices containers with GitHub Actions
  • Introduction
  • Problem running Docker-compose file in GitHub Actions workflow
  • Creating Shell script to execute Selenium Test containers
  • Running Shell script from GitHub Actions pipeline
  • Waiting for Selenium Test container to execute in pipeline
  • Running Selenium Grid Setup Test in GitHub Actions Pipeline
  • Summary