Fetching the user tokens values from his wallet
  • Fetching the tokens on user login or session restored
  • Understand why the WAX service is not returning the tokens values
  • Getting the correct values for the tokens into our storage
  • Creating the token component
  • Adding spinners and error messages on the token balance component
Fetching the user details in the game
  • Create a new service to request the user details from the WAX blockchain
  • Create a new slice for the user details
  • Creating a saga for the user details
  • Adding the slice and the reducer to our store
  • Parse the WAX response to add the values to the store
  • Fix max energy value not loading
  • Showing the user details in a new component
  • Creating the energy bar component
Fetching the static tools data from the WAX smart contract
  • Fetching the tools data from the WAX smart contract
  • Create a new slice for the tools details
  • Create a new saga for the tools details
  • Create a new component to initialize the tools
  • Small fixes to query the tools details
Showing staked NFTs from the user in a carousel
  • Creating a new service to request the user staked NFTs
  • Creating our slice for the user tools staked on the smart contract
  • Creating a saga to fetch the user tools
  • Fixing the WAX request
  • Fixing the hash values coming from our smart contract table